Like in the previous CAG27 meetings, contributions from all fields of geology are welcome. So far we envisage the following topics to play a major role during the meeting:
S01 – Crustal Evolution of Africa value
- S01.1 – Archean to Paleoproterozoic crustal evolution
- S01.2 – Mesoproterozoic orogenic cycles
- S01.3 – Pan-African fold belts
- S01.4 – Fanerozoic orogenic cycles
- S01.5 – Post-Gondwana geodynamics of Africa
- S01.6 – Africa’s contributions to Planetary sciences
S02 – Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
S03 – Tectonics and structural geology
S04 – Stratigraphy, Sedimentology & Paleontology
S05 – Isotope Geology
S06 – Earth’s mineral resources and sustainable development
- S06.1 – Mineral resources
- S06.2 – Mesoproterozoic orogenic cycles
- S06.3 – Hydrogeology and water sustainability
S07 – Weathering, Climate and Surface Processes
S08 – Geophysics
S09 – Ocean Sciences
S10 – Geoparks, Geotourism and Geoethics for Promoting Earth Heritage in Africa
S11 – Geohazards, Natural and human-induced environmental hazards and disasters
S12 – Geosciences Education in Africa
S13 – Integrated approaches in Geology (Medical Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry)